About the Program
Meeting the demands of today’s dynamic and stressful work environment means that leaders rarely have time to thoughtfully reflect on their career. They have a wealth of experience under their belt, but neither the time nor energy to focus on their development, aspirations, and impact.
In fact, many leaders hit a wall at a certain point experiencing stagnation or plateauing in their current roles.. Indicators may be things like a missed promotion, lack of motivation, or a feeling of boredom or burn-out.
This retreat is an opportunity to step back and deeply focus on yourself. Facilitated by Lesli Mones and Julie Diamond, experienced executive coaches and Leaderlab founders, the retreat offers a guided process for reflecting on and crafting your next big professional—and personal—move.
Next Program
For Leaderlab Alumni Only
A 3-day retreat
For Alumni of the Elevate and Amplify Leaderlab Programs
What you'll take away...
A powerful network of peers who can help you uncover new opportunities, expose you to new perspectives, and share valuable insights and experiences to help you navigate your career journey more effectively.
Deepened insight into the obstacles and opportunities along your career path
A vision and path forward for what comes next for you and your organization.
Skills for balancing and sustaining your energy to maximize health and wellness, to be your best, for yourself, your organization, and your loved ones.
Through curated activities, you will:
Identify your “status quo.
What are your achievements to date? Recognize your strengths and the experience and skills that have gotten you to where you are today, and which you can leverage for your next move.
Articulate your aspirations.
What values and interests drive you? Assessing personal values and aspirations is critical for being in alignment with a meaningful and fulfilling career path.
Discover the obstacles standing in your way.
It’s easy to set goals, but no matter how clear, SMART, or actionable your goals are, without identifying the obstacles that stand in the way, you won’t be able to achieve them. What are the limiting beliefs, fears, self-doubt, triggers, or wellbeing challenges that derail you and keep you from facing new challenges head-on and advancing your career?
Craft your next move.
Define the path ahead, one that feels congruent with your aspirations and moves you forward on your path of growth and development.
Life Changing
“The Power² Leaderlab has been life-changing, both personally and professionally. I find myself relying
on the program’s tools to manage
the daily stress of my organization.”
The Results I Wanted
"I rotated out of (my business) since I completed the training and can say it was instrumental in a) negotiating the position I wanted in the way I wanted, b) pay and grade level raise and c) most importantly…I felt empowered and drove the results I wanted."
Best Experience
“The P² Leaderlab was the best lab, workshop, or training experience I’ve had. Lesli and Julie have redefined what it means to be powerful, in a way that resonates with my real world experience.”